Thursday 2 November 2017


1. Today is 3 out of 4 day. If you eat 3 out of the 4 food groups..grains/dairy/fruits and vegetables/meat and are eligible for a prize. Come down to Room 15 to fill out your ballot.

2. Today's healthy tip of the day...Drink some milk..The calcium makes your bones stronger

3. Caritas will be kicking of Bullying Awareness with activities over the next month... There is an important Caritas meeting today in Room 15 at lunch
The Caritas song of the day...Who Says by Selena Gomez..Be proud of who you are.
The Caritas quote of the day....Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated. The words of .......Lou Holtz

4. Girl's volleyball you need to get your forms into Mr. Adams ASAP.