1. There is an important Health Team meeting today. It is important that you show up.
2. Black History Month Fact....Last Stop on the Railroad: Canada's reputation as a safe haven for Blacks grew substantially during and after the War of 1812. Between 1815 and 1865, tens of thousands of African-Americans sought refuge in Upper and Lower Canada via the legendary Underground Railroad.
3. The Donation Pail... Mrs. Bellehumeur had a great idea... WIth Lent about to start,,,, we will be starting the donation pail..The Caritas Club will be setting up a Pail outside of Room 15 and you can donate anything to help out any charity that you want. Ex. food, batteries, toys. Anything that you think will be worthwhile. The Caritas Club will send it to the charities who are in need.
4. Grade 8 Basketball team meeting today at lunch.