Friday, 4 March 2016


A word from Mitchell Rawlings..
Think about it, this school is a healthy school. Healthy Schools think that it is important to be active and TO eat healthy foods. To eat healthier food you might need to change the way you eat and your habits of eating bad food. 
A couple of good ideas.... Instead of chips, grab a vegetable or fruit
Fill your plate with more green.
Drink more water...Many times you are thirsty and not hungry
Here at Corpus Christi We try to be as healthy as possible and make good food choices to stay fit!  


Think about it, this school is a healthy school. Healthy Schools think that it is important to be active and TO eat healthy foods. To eat healthier food you might need to change the way you eat and your habits of eating bad food. 
A couple of good ideas.... Instead of chips, grab a vegetable or fruit
Fill your plate with more green.
Drink more water...Many times you are thirsty and not hungry
Here at Corpus Christi We try to be as healthy as possible and make good food choices to stay fit!  


Congratulations to Jack Pavelich in Miss Scott's class for winning this week's Healthy LUNCH of the week. He wins a gift card to Subway...Go to the office and see Mrs Bellehumier for  your prize.
The contest continues next week so fill out a ballot for a healthy lunch.

Leadership Students

Wow another great job by our Basketball teams. They helped run the Junior Basketball tourney yesterday and did an incredible job with over 200 players taking part in our event. Way to show that Cardinal pride!

House leagues

No house leagues today...They will return on Monday with Grade 8 Badminton.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Announcement from Jacob Higgins....

To be healthier you need to eat all of the food groups. (Grain, Fruits,vegetables, dairy, meat, and protein. Make sure you try to eat a balance diet from all of the 4 Food Groups. Remember you also need to get more physical activity in your lives.


There is a vital Junior Basketball meeting for all officials Thursday in the gym at 12:20 pm. If you already signed must be there.

House Leagues

No badminton house leagues today.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Chess Team

A historic day for the CCMS Chess team. A record 6 students came away with medals yesterday.
Golds went to Ray Hamlin and Adam Pizzo
Silvers went to Jaxon Boucher/Jacob Price/Matthew Taylor and Jacob Archer

A special recognition for Sam Bouchard for his great effort yesterday.

Great job Cards!


A message from Kaleb Sanderson...

Eating Breakfast is important start to the day. The word breakfast comes from break the fast because after 12 hours without food, your body needs food or fuel to get it going. When your fuel is low, your brain can't remember things, you don't have much energy and your body can't grow.

Remember to fill out your Healthy lunch ballot.

Monday, 29 February 2016



The recommended amount of fruit and vegetables by Canada's health system helps with reducing blood pressure and stress, which can help you when studying for tests and quizzes and doing homework. Also, it can prevent various of diseases, such as Leukemia.


A few words from Dawson Kavanaugh...

Part of being a healthy school means that we try our best to eat healthy foods from Canada's Food Guide. Do you know what the Canada's Food Guide is? Learning more about Canada's Food Guide will help you and your family know how much food you need. Stay healthy my friends.


Hey Cards...It is Nutrition Month. We are implementing the HEALTHY EATING CHALLENGE. The goal is to have healthy lunches for the month of March and beyond. If you have a healthy lunch...fill out a ballot in front of Mr. Adams' room--15 during the week. On Friday afternoon, we will pick a winning ballot announce the winner of a Card to subway.

Boys basketball jerseys

Just a friendly reminder to the grade 8 boys basketball team. Your jerseys and shorts should be washed and brought back to either Mr. Ballard or Mr. Kennette as soon as possible. Thank you!

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Grade 7 Badminton

There will be a sign up meeting in Mr. Charette's classroom at 12:20  for all Grade 7 boys and girls interested in playing on the Badminton team.  Our first practice will be Tuesday night after school.


Vital chess club meeting in the gym at 12:20 to get your assignments.