Thursday, 8 December 2016

Today's Sauce News

WIth yesterday's matches put on hold, hopefully we can make up some ground and complete some of the following matches.  Today's action will feature:

Day : Thur. Dec. 8thGame #TeamParticipantsTeamParticipantsWinner
1STFJadyn & AidanKirt SammyKurt & Mr. Laporte
2UntouchablesMatthew & BrandonThe Dusters
3Zesty SauceMr.D Pal & Mr Rug.Grandma SauceZack & Tyler
4KFC SauceThomas & IsraelLexidyDestiny & Lexi
5HowahConnor & KoahSauce HoundsJacob & Chad
6Fire on Ice Johnathan & DesmondJabbeyJasmine & Abbey
7Toronto LightningPiccolo & SmittyBrandal TrumpKyle & Brandon
8Brod PollBrody & Ethan PSackenzieSela & Mackenzie
9Tobasco SauceKolby & David365Kassidy & Kayla
10Blueline BiscuitsShaun H & XanderPylon PanthersCarl & Paul

Dress warm and see you in the church parking lot. Any students with Sauce nets and mats please bring them out right at 12:20 so we can get things started right away.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Another Super Saucy Day

There were a few great Sauce matches yesterday, with Mr D Palamides stealing the show with a 3 pt back hand a swish to snatch the victory from the competition.  Here is the schedule for today:

Day : Wed. Dec. 7thGame #TeamParticipantsTeamParticipantsWinner
1STFJadyn & AidanKirt SammyKirk & Mr. Laporte
2Master SauceMr. T & Mr, MPalSannahSelen & Hannah
3Zesty SauceMr.D Pal & Mr Rug.Grandma SauceZack & Tyler
4KFC SauceThomas & IsraelLexidyDestiny & Lexi
5HowahConnor & KoahSauce HoundsJacob & Chad
6Fire on Ice Johnathan & DesmondJabbeyJasmine & Abbey

Volleyball Refs

We have all our refs set for Thursday. Thanks to all who handed in forms but we could take the first ones to come in. The following people need to meet with Mr. Adams quickly today at 12:20
Hannah Lalonde
Angelina Kiew
Gracie Taggert
Elizabeth Thomas
Cynthia Raymond
Abby St. Pierre
Emma Logan
Jadyn Brown
Dawson Kavanugh
Lana Joya
Brooke WIlburn
Emma Riccardi
Dustin Thibeault

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Today's Sauce Tourney

Here are the match-ups for today :

Game #TeamParticipantsTeamParticipants
1ShreksDevontae & JacobSpicy SenioritasLuisa & Vanessa
2Go BombEthan Mc. & HiggyMongoose SuaceKyler & Jacob L
3Log ThibLogan & ThibeaultNo NameSophia & Emma
4Defensive SpartansHunter & NateBarcelonersAustin & Braeden
5ZalexZinyk & AlexZesty SauceMr. D Pal & Mr. R
6Winner Of Game #1Winner Of Game #2
7Windsor PanthersKitch & BryceBig Mac ComboPerreira & Ditch
8Grandma Sauce Tyler & ZackWinner Of Game #5
9Bendy BendersLucas & MitchellWinner Of Game #4
10Team of BurgersAustin & DylanCheese & CrackersChyrain & Jacob

Please be sure to show up and be ready to play.  Teams that don't show up will only get one extra chance to play, after that they will be eliminated from the tournament.

See you at 12:20 in the Church Parkng lot,
Mr. T

Gr. 7 Boys Volleyball

Boys, please return your uniforms to Mr. Palamides in Rm. 23 either today or tomorrow.

Remember, each player must return their shorts and jersey.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Today's Sauce Tourney

The 2nd Annual CCMS Sauce Tourney will resume today. Today's matchups will feature:

STF vs. Kirt Sammy
Nickle & Dimes vs. Dusty Knobs
Sam Sauce vs. Destiny
Tasty Tacos vs. The Four
KFC Sauce vs. Lexidy

Other teams scheduled for today are:
Tender Benders
No Flow
Walrus Sauce 
Melvin Sauce

All participants need to meet in the parking lot of the church.  

Keep it Saucy CCMS
Mr. T

Grade 8 Volleyball Team

Any Grade 8 volleyball team member interested in working the tournament on Thursday, see Mr. Laporte for the forms. First 12 to hand it in will be able to attend.