Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Gr. 7 Boys Volleyball

Attention Gr. 7 boys who are interested in being part of the CCMS volleyball team:

There will be a Gr. 7 Boys volleyball sign-up sheet coming around to your classroom today. Please sign the sheet if you are planning to attend tryouts. Our first tryout will take place on Thursday after school until 4:30. Activewear, clean shoes, and a positive attitude are the only required equipment.

Note: If you are unable to attend Thursday's tryout, please speak to Mr. Ryan or Mr. D. Palamides prior to practice.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Boys Soccer Uniforms

The CCMS boys soccer team members are reminded to wash and return their uniforms as soon as possible to Mr. Kennette or Mr. Ballard.

                 Derrick Ballard
           Corpus Christi - Grade 8
Brennan Centre of Excellence - Soccer/Baseball


There is a Grade 8 Volleyball practice tonight after school for all boys and girls interested in playing.
You must have shorts, shirts and running shoes.