Wednesday, 2 May 2018


1. Cardinals you continue to put forth a great effort at track practice. Remember we have it at 3 different 12:00, 12:20 and 3:30 at CCMS. You need to meet in the gym for these practices. 
Also a reminder to check into your Google classrooms for information. If you cannot make a practice either talk to a coach or email a coach to let them know. Telling a friend will not be accepted. We did a great job letting coaches know if you were not going to be there.
There have been some students missing practices. Remember if you don't show a good commitment to the team, you will not have a spot on the team this year.

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Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Re: Announcements

1. Great first practice Cardinals!  Remember we begin practice at 3 different 12:00, 12:20 and 3:30 at CCMS. You need to meet in the gym for these practices. There is also a practice today at CPA. Meet Mr. Adams outside for the practice.
Also a reminder to check into your Google classrooms for information. If you cannot make a practice either talk to a coach or email a coach to let them know. Telling a friend will not be accepted. We did a great job letting coaches know if you were not going to be there.
2. Congratulations to Erica Sabourin who finished third in the vocals of the Phil Gignac competition. Great job Erica!

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 8:07 AM, Tom Adams <> wrote:
1. Wow what a turnout for our track and field meeting on Friday. With over 90 students in attendance, our Track and Field team will be rocking this year. Remember we begin today at 3 different 12:00, 12:20 and 3:30 at CCMS. You need to meet in the gym for these practices. There is also a practice today at CPA. Meet Mr. Adams outside for the practice.
Also a reminder to check into your Google classrooms for information. If you cannot make a practice either talk to a coach or email a coach to let them know. Telling a friend will not be accepted.

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Monday, 30 April 2018


1. Wow what a turnout for our track and field meeting on Friday. With over 90 students in attendance, our Track and Field team will be rocking this year. Remember we begin today at 3 different 12:00, 12:20 and 3:30 at CCMS. You need to meet in the gym for these practices. There is also a practice today at CPA. Meet Mr. Adams outside for the practice.
Also a reminder to check into your Google classrooms for information. If you cannot make a practice either talk to a coach or email a coach to let them know. Telling a friend will not be accepted.

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