Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Wednesday Annoucements

1. There is a meeting today at lunch in Mr. M. Palamdies room for any Grade 8 boy interested in playing on the basketball team this year. Season starts on Monday after school.
2. There is a vital meeting for all Volleyball leaders working the tourney tomorrow in Room 15 at lunch. You must be there to learn about your job if you are going.
3. 1. The winner of the healthy award.... is Sarah Turmel.,come see Mr. Adams for your prize
4. The Caritas Leader of the week is Aiden Campbell for his donations for the clothing drive.
5. The Caritas Christmas song of the day is Breath of Heaven.
6. The Giving tree is across the hallway from Room 15. Grab a card and complete the random act of Kindness during this holiday season. Please put the card back after reading it.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Re: Announcements

1. The winner of the healthy award.... is Sarah Turmel
2. The Caritas Leader of the week is Aiden Campbell for his donations for the clothing drive.
3. The Caritas Christmas song of the day is Christmas Shoes

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 7:53 AM, Tom Adams <> wrote:
1.  This message is for any boy or girl from Grade 8 who participated on the volleyball team. If you are possibly interested in helping at the University of Windsor tournament on Thursday or Friday, there is a meeting today at 12:20 in Room 15.


1.  This message is for any boy or girl from Grade 8 who participated on the volleyball team. If you are possibly interested in helping at the University of Windsor tournament on Thursday or Friday, there is a meeting today at 12:20 in Room 15.