Thursday, 8 February 2018


1. All National anthem singers. You have to be in the WFCU...near the TIm Hortons by 6 pm.
2. Great job to the Girls and Grade 8 boys basketball teams. You played hard and made our school proud with your effort. With a finalist and consolation champion did a great job!
3. Black History Month is a time to learn more about these Canadian stories and the many other important contributions of Black Canadians to the settlement, growth and development of Canada, and about the diversity of Black communities in Canada and their importance to the history of this country.
4. Olympics Trivia of the day...
Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 
 Abraham Lincoln
 Juan Antonio 
Samaranch Baron 
Pierre de Coubertin 
 Thomas Bach
5. Caritas Club today....